Open3D Data Converter

Purpose of the Open3D Data Converter:

Convert 2D shape files into 3D KML/KMZ, CityGML, Multipatch Shape or OBJ files.

Created by:
iDelft B.V
Koornmarkt 70
2611 EJ Delft
The Netherlands

Version 3.8: 21 April 2011

This software package is released "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall iDelft be held liable for any damages arising from the use of the software.

Open 3D DataConverter has been developed in .NET C#.
- Software developed by Oscar Mateu Gomez (iDelft BV, Delft, The Netherlands)
- ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll: freeware compression library developed by Mike Krueger (
- Ogr2Ogr: conversion freeware developed by the GDAL team (
- Sample Data by (c) 2006 Eurosense (Belgium); this is not freeware or open source data!
- SharpMap 0.9 (
- Shapelib

-Converts polygon shape files into solid 3D models in KML/KMZ format (Google Earth 3D format), cityGML format, Shape Multipatch format and OBJ format.
-Supports CityGML Buildings (Default) and Vegetation (Veg.shp).
-Supports any input projection system.
-The height of the 3D features can be determined per feature or as a constant values.
-Features can be labelled based on their attributes.

If you have an older version of the software: de-install the software through Control Panel.
Unpack the zip-file in a temporary folder and execute the program Setup.exe.

Minimum Hardware/Software requirements:
1.6 MHz Processor
1 GB of RAM
Windows XP/Vista/7
.Net Framework 2.0


1- Select an input Shape file:
Enter the file (path) or browse for it by pressing the browse button; only Shape polygons are allowed.

2- Select output file:
Similar to step 1, but in this case five different output formats can be selected: KML (.kml), KMZ (.kmz), cityGML (.gml), Shape Multipatch (.shp) or Object (.obj) files.

3- Select Label field:
When a shape file is selected, the attributes (fields) present in the feature table are shown in the Label field selector. Select the column that needs to be used to populate the feature label in the output file. If no fields are present in the shape, an automatic label will be created.

4- Select Height value:
The features height can be determined by a field in the shape field (independent for every feature) or as a constant value (shared by all the features). The scaling factor will be multiplied by the height to generate the final height. If no numeric value can be found for the height, a constant (value 10) will be applied.

Important: In KML/KMZ or OBJ, the height value must be in meters
Important: In cityGML, the height value must be in the same magnitude as the XY coordinates (especially relevant when using Lat/Lon)

5- Select Style (not available for Multipatch and OBJ):
Gives the user the option to set the 3D colour and transparency; Note: transparancy is not available for CityGML

6- Select Source Projection System (not available for cityGML, Multipatch or OBJ):
Google Earth input 3D files must use the WGS84 projection system. Therefore, any input file with a different projection system must be reprojected. If the input file is in a projection system different to the standard (WGS84 and Dutch projection -RD new-) a SRS file or string must be provided to be able to apply the coordinate conversion. With CityGML's, Shape Multipatch or OBJ files, no coordinate conversion will be carried out.